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Report a Hate Crime/Incident

Hate incident: Any non-crime incident which is perceived by the victim or any other person to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on:
  • a person’s race or perceived race, or any racial group or ethnic background including countries within the UK and Gypsy and Traveller groups
  • a person’s religion or perceived religion, or any religious group including those who have no faith
  • a person’s sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation, or any person’s sexual orientation
  • a person’s disability or perceived disability, or any disability including physical disability, learning disability and mental health or developmental disorders
  • a person who is transgender or perceived to be transgender, including people who are transsexual, transgender, cross dressers and those who hold a Gender Recognition Certificate under the Gender Recognition Act 2004.

Hate crime: A hate crime is any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on:
  • a person’s race or perceived race, or any racial group or ethnic background including countries within the UK and Gypsy and Traveller groups
  • a person’s religion or perceived religion, or any religious group including those who have no faith
  • a person’s sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation, or any person’s sexual orientation
  • a person’s disability or perceived disability, or any disability including physical disability, learning disability and mental health or developmental disorders
  • a person who is transgender or perceived to be transgender, including people who are transsexual, transgender, cross dressers and those who hold a Gender Recognition Certificate under the Gender Recognition Act 2004.

This form requires your personal details, if you would prefer to make an anonymous report visit the True Vision site.